Bottle Cutting

Thursday, March 18, 2010

How To Cut A Glass Bottle With A Candle, Without A Glass Cutter

Its Easy, Like Magic, Fast, No Special Tools, No Muscle Power, Creative, Makes A Much Nicer Smoother Cut Than Other Methods.

Here are 7 easy steps
  1. Take a bottle with a cap. Drill a hole in the center of the cap
  2. Insert a screw and fasten with a nut. as shown on video clip
  3. Attach the screw to the drill.
  4. Put something (brick) against a corner wall to support the bottle on top of a candle, so it rotate on the candle flame. You will get a nicer cut & much faster if you can support the bottle between two burning candles.
  5. Start the drill to slowly rotate the bottle on the flame. Go round about three or four times, and then another three times at a faster pace to distribute the heat evenly. The bottle should feel hot to the touch or until you hear some crackling.
  6. Submerge the bottle in a bucket of cold water. Do this immediately after you have thoroughly heated the bottle. The change in temperature takes care of the rest.
  7. Sand down the new edge with wet sandpaper to avoid cutting yourself.

With a little work and some creative inspiration, these glass jars could become beautiful hanging lanterns.

Jelly, salsa, olives, mayo, mustard ... if these items are common staples in your household, then you probably have quite a few glass jars in your pantry and refrigerator. Perhaps you've even made an impulse purchase because one brand's jar was such an unusual shape. The question is, what happens to the jar when you've used up the food?

Whatever you do, don't just chuck it in the trash. At the very least, you can keep using the jar as a sturdy, attractive food container. (One of the many advantages of glass is that you always know what's inside -- no more mystery leftovers.) Some people turn old jars into reusable, portable water bottles -- a convenient way to avoid the concerns of pollution and chemical contamination that come with many plastic water bottles.

But glass jars have potential far beyond that. Glass is strong, heat-resistant, sterile and beautiful. Glass jar crafts use glass to contain everything from food to fire to plant and animal life.

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